b'AWARD WINNERSRoberta Hollowell AwardCaroline Bauelos C aroline Bauelos was electedServing on the Central Committee to the Central Committeewith Roberta Hollowell, Caroline in 1992 and served for 6 years.knew her very well. She considered Elected Vice-Chair of the CentralRoberta a mentor. Roberta Committee, she served on manyencouraged her to become committees during her timeinvolved with the State Party and with the organization includingother groups. Caroline currently Fundraising, helping to putworks at Sonoma State University many Crab Feeds together, andin the Center for Community running the fair booth for severalEngagement. She was elected years. In 1994, she was given theto the Santa Rosa Junior College Young Democrat of the YearBoard of Trustees in 2020 and is award presented by then Councilserving as its Vice President.member, Pat Wiggins. In 1996, with the Central Committees help Caroline went to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.Caroline was also involved with the beginning of the Sonoma County Latino Democratic Club (SCLDC). In 1996, she was asked to take over the club. The SCLDC is committedRequiring a minimum of 10 years to fighting against racism and forof service to the Democratic Party, human rights as well as bringingthe Roberta Hollowell Award Latinos into the political process.is named in honor of the late Caroline has also served as aeducator and activist who was a delegate to the State Democraticmainstay in local politics.Party for many years.21'