Sonoma County Democratic clubs give our community the chance to connect with like-minded neighbors and participate in grassroots action at the local level.  Members are able to:

  • Identify and communicate concerns to elected representatives

  • Take public stands on issues

  • Promote citizenship and register voters

  • Select, endorse, and support Democratic candidates

Make a difference and join a local club!

Contact club leadership via email or visit club’s Facebook page for updates about monthly meetings (on Zoom or in person) or other events.

Cloverdale Democratic Club

Meets: on January 16 or 23, 6:30pm. Email for more details:
Cloverdale Regional Library.
249 Red Mountain Drive
Cloverdale, CA 95425
Website • Facebook • Email

Democratic Club of Southern Sonoma County

President: Micki Carroll
Meets: 3rd Wednesdays 6:30 pm
Check Facebook or Email for location info
426 8th Street
Petaluma, CA

Facebook • Email

Oakmont Democratic Club

Chair: Tom Amato
Meets: 4th Thursdays 7:00 pm, Hybrid
Oakmont East Recreation Center
7902 Oakmont Drive, Santa Rosa

Website • Email

Redwood Coast Democratic Club

Contact: Lynne Atkins
Meets: For special events, email for information

Website • Email

Santa Rosa Democratic Club

President: Sandy Reynolds
Meets: 4th Wednesdays 5:30 pm mixer, 6:30 pm dinner, 7:00 pm meeting
at Veterans Building
1351 Maple Ave
Santa Rosa, CA

Website • Facebook • Email

Sonoma County Asian Pacific Islander Democratic Club

Contact: Gil Dong
Meets: Meets Monthly via Zoom on 3rd Thursdays (Starting in October) – Currently it is the 4th Wednesday.
300 B Street, Unit 520
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Website • Facebook • Email

Sonoma County Latino Democratic Club

President: Caroline Bañuelos
Meets: 4th Thursdays 5:30 pm
P.O. Box 3425
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Facebook • Email

Sonoma Valley Democrats

President: Beth Hadley
Meets: 4th Mondays 6:30 pm
Sonoma Springs Community Hall,
18627 Sonoma Hwy
Sonoma, CA

Website • Facebook • Email

Windsor Democratic Club

Meets: Not meeting regularly at present

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Wine Country Young Democrats

President: Eric Vazquez
Meets: 2nd Mondays 6:00 pm
Email for location

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