Resolution for Senate to Return from Recess
WHEREAS gun violence in the United State of America has been growing for decades, reaching a new and intolerable level with the mass shooting in Gilroy, El Paso, Dayton, and Chicago during a one week period. On an average day, 100 people die from gun violence, accidental shootings, or suicide, and
WHEREAS the House of Representatives passed HR 8, the Bipartisan Background Check Act, and HR 1112, the Enhanced Background Checks Act, during February 2019. Senate Leader McConnell, who carries the self-designated nick name as “The Grim Reaper,” refuses to allow a vote in the Senate. This month, McConnell has refused repeatedly to call the Senate back into session during the August Recess and deny Republican Senators a vacation even though Senators in his own party and all Democratic Party Senators support returning to work in order to take up this important legislation, and
WHEREAS Speaker Pelosi and the entire Democratic Party delegation is prepared to return to Washington, DC during the August recess to reconcile differences in the bills already passed in the House with legislation that would be passed in the Senate so that a bill could be sent to the White House for signature before the end of this month.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Sonoma County Democratic Party (SCDP) calls on Senator Mitch McConnell to immediately call the Senate back into session for the purpose of passing HR 8 and HR 1112 which were passed by the House of Representatives during February and are pending consideration in the Senate right now, and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SCDP will send this resolution with a cover letter calling for immediate action to Senator McConnell, all members of the California Delegation in both the Senate and House, Senator Grassley, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, and President Trump.
Resolution adopted by the Sonoma County Democratic Party on August 13, 2019