WHEREAS, California Democrats believe that shelter (including affordable housing) is a basic human
right, but we know that homelessness is an urgent humanitarian crisis with an estimated 172,000
unsheltered individuals across California and we acknowledge that the undertow of massive economic
and systemic inequities, as well as a tangled web of decisions made by well-intentioned policies and
programs built over decades, continues to stymie efforts to support those who are unhoused or at risk of
becoming unhoused; and
WHEREAS, unlike other areas of government such as education, child welfare, infrastructure and many
other policy areas, California lacks a comprehensive plan to address those who are unhoused and at-risk
of becoming unhoused effectively and equitably and we must acknowledge the current approach to
addressing homelessness is fragmented and lacks clear lines of responsibility, accountability and
sustainability so that it is not possible to make meaningful progress in helping those who are unhoused
and housing insecure; and
WHEREAS, the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) offers a first-of-its-kind
comprehensive approach to address homelessness, the AT HOME plan, which includes broad goals and
specific policy proposals to ensure clear lines of responsibility and accountability for every level of
government and improve the way California collectively responds to those who are unhoused or at risk
of becoming unhoused; and the six pillars of AT HOME stand for Accountability, Transparency,
Housing, Outreach, Mitigation, and Economic opportunity and can provide a comprehensive roadmap to
reducing and mitigating homelessness; and since counties run or administer most health and human
services programs on behalf of the state and federal government including CalWORKs, Medi-Cal,
mental health and substance use disorder services, In-Home Supportive Services, Child Welfare
Services, Adult Protective Services, and CalFresh, counties must take the lead in implementing the AT
HOME plan with input from many other agencies, organizations, cities and members of the public.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sonoma County Democratic Party joins a growing
coalition of local government, public safety, social justice, health, labor, housing, community and other
organizations throughout the state in acknowledging that homelessness is indeed a crisis that must be
elevated to be an important shared California priority deserving of a comprehensive plan for resolution
and in supporting implementation of the AT HOME Plan to significantly reduce homelessness in
Resolution adopted by the Sonoma County Democratic Party on May 9, 2023