WHEREAS a proposal to log 224 acres of older growth Redwoods and Douglas Fir on steep hillsides near Guerneville has recently been approved by Cal Fire (Silver Estates THP I-20-0084SON) despite significant public and agency concerns regarding increased fire and landslide risks, the impact on endangered species, including the Northern Spotted Owl, threats to the integrity of the historic 2,000 year old Clar Redwood Tree, and the lack of a professional viewshed impact assessment along the Highway 116 Scenic Corridor; and
WHEREAS larger trees and mature woodlands use and store large amounts of carbon dioxide CO2 – a very harmful greenhouse gas – and logging decreases the forest’s vital capacity to sequester such harmful gases, the forested land provides a unique environment that draws visitors and supports the local economy, and, the Sonoma County Dept. of Transportation and Public Works has stated that “the Silver Estates THP falls short of complying with a basic CEQA requirement;” and
WHEREAS the timberland owner has expressed interest in selling the land, which he may log early this year, the Russian River County Sanitation District already leases and uses approximately 90 acres of this land, and at least one member of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors has expressed support for purchasing the land; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Sonoma County Democratic Party urges the County of Sonoma to instruct the Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District to take all necessary steps to facilitate the purchase of the Guerneville property of Roger Burch now so that it may be protected and used for the benefit of the community.