The Sonoma County Democratic Party Central Committee voted in support of this resolution during the August 2020 meeting.
WHEREAS, on June 2nd of 2020, a group of peaceful protestors marched on the streets of downtown Santa Rosa in response to the murder of George Floyd by the hands of police, the Santa Rosa Police Department used unnecessary force against peaceful protesters which included an unarmed Black woman who was violently assaulted by the police and later arrested and
WHEREAS, the Commision of Human Rights of Sonoma County released a report on July 10, 2020 that details the abuses and human rights violations perpetrated by the SRPD includes Ms. Jordan’s account of the physical and mental abuses she has endured, which includes being “put in a holding cell for thirteen hours without a phone call, instead of being put in the booking room with the hundred other protesters who had been arrested” then later moved to booking only to wait another four hours to be processed out while all of the other protesters were already released, and did not have some of her personal belongings returned to her as the police claimed she “never came in with them”; other physical abuses afflicted upon Ms. Jordan include potentially permanent nerve damage to her hand and ligature marks from the zipties placed on her wrists as these injuries came from the SRPD’s handling of her arrest that evening where Ms. Jordan was tackled by the police, had her face shoved to the ground, had her legs yanked violently from under her, and when she asked for names of the officers while being taken to the vehicle, an officer grabbed her hair and shoved her face away from his so she could not see his badge number
WHEREAS, District Attorney Jill Ravitch charged Ms. Jordan, in court on July 31, 2020 for “breaking curfew” during a protest — with the following: breaking curfew, violating probation, failure to identify herself, and resisting arrest” additionally noting that Ms. Jordan “got into a scuffle with one other officer and they ended up on the ground” and
WHEREAS, for the charges to be dropped, the District Attorney has requested that Ms. Jordan write a letter of apology to the officers that detained her on the evening of June 2, 2020 – an additional psychological abuse afflicted against Ms. Jordan who is already suffering from the trauma and physical injuries from her encounter with the SRPD.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sonoma County Democratic Party condemns the SRPD for their inhumane actions and abuses against the very citizens they are to protect and condemns District Attorney Jill Ravitch for perpetuating the abusive agenda of systemic racism against Ms. Jordan, therefore
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Sonoma County Democratic Party demands that District Attorney Ravitch drop charges against Ms. Jordan and issues her the apology and other necessary compensation Ms. Jordan deserves as she is the victim in this extremely unfortunate event and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Santa Rosa Police Department issues their apology to Ms. Jordan for their egregiously barbarous treatment and incompetency when handling confrontation humanely and appropriately.