The Sonoma County Democratic Party has endorsed Susan Gorin for re-election to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in District 1, which includes the eastern portion of Santa Rosa, the City of Sonoma and the unincorporated county to the eastern County Line. Her endorsement was unanimous, recognizing support for her actions on the Board and her leadership to achieve resilience since the fires of 2017.
“The Sonoma Dems are proud of Supervisor Gorin’s leadership on the many complex issues that face Sonoma County. Leading the effort to reimagine the use of Sonoma Development Center while protecting those most vulnerable who have been residents at the Center, building local affordable housing, renewal of the Springs area of Sonoma, building sidewalks, focusing on road improvements, and protecting our precious open space — these are all issues important to all Democrats” said County Democratic Party Chair Pat Sabo.
Supervisor Gorin responded, “I’m grateful to Sonoma County Democrats for their endorsement again, and I’m humbled that it was a unanimous vote! Their endorsement, along with hundreds of others found on my website www.Susan-Gorin.com , demonstrates the overwhelming support voters and leaders have for my platform that Pat Sabo so eloquently shared. Thank you all!”
This year the Sonoma Dems will be working for Supervisor Gorin’s re-election in a variety of ways. Precinct walking, post cards to neighbors, and phone banking from our Coordinated Campaign Headquarters at 635 Fifth St. in Santa Rosa are planned, and direct mail into her District will take place as well.