
Register Voters at SRJC Petaluma Campus

SRJC Petaluma Campus 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma, CA, United States

We will be working to register students, faculty and staff at the Petaluma Campus of Santa Rosa Junior College, 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma on Wednesdays from 11 am to […]

LabelRama at HQ

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Door Hangers and Slate Card Mailers have arrived and we are ready to label! We've got over 18,000 hangers and mailers to get prepared and out the door. Candidates have […]

LabelRama at HQ

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Door Hangers and Slate Card Mailers have arrived and we are ready to label! We've got over 18,000 hangers and mailers to get prepared and out the door. Candidates have […]

Thursday Night Phonebanking at HQ

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

We are in the final stretch of the 2018 campaign and want to start THURSDAY NIGHT PHONEBANKS for the after work crowd. Reserve your slot to make calls and help […]

Thursday Evening Phonebanks in Santa Rosa

We are in the final stretch of the 2018 campaign and will be resuming Thursday evening phone banks! Our fabulous volunteer, Becky, is opening up her home in Bennett Valley […]

LabelRama at HQ

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Door Hangers and Slate Card Mailers have arrived and we are ready to label! We've got over 18,000 hangers and mailers to get prepared and out the door. Candidates have […]

Friday Postcard Party

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

We are continuing our weekly postcard parties into October. Come join expert POSTCARD PARTY leader, Becky Montgomery, at the Democratic Headquarters in Petaluma. Gather with other activists, writing & sending […]

Meet and Greet Tony Thurmond

We are all cordially invited to meet and support an important Democratic candidate, Tony Thurmond, in his campaign for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at a Meet and Greet Fundraiser […]

Saturday Phonebanking at HQ

Democratic Party Headquarters 448 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Saturday phonebanks at the Democratic Headquarters in Petaluma! We will be calling constituents of Devin Nunes and asking them to vote for ANDREW JANZ.  Andrew is the endorsed Democratic candidate running against […]

Register Voters at Oliver’s Market in Cotati

Oliver's Market - Cotati 546 East Cotati Ave, Cotati, CA, United States

SIGN UP VOTERS IN COTATI IN FRONT OF OLIVER'S MARKET! Help turn congress BLUE! We will supply you with all materials necessary to make this easy and fun. This is […]