SCDP Believes Assault Survivors

SCDP Believes Assault Survivors

The Sonoma County Democratic Party believes sexual assault survivors.

We stand with each of the six women who have come forward to report instances of sexual assault by Dominic Foppoli, the Mayor of Windsor. Our hearts go out to them and all survivors of sexual assault for the pain and trauma they continue to experience.We are especially saddened to hear that Windsor Council Member Esther Lemus is among them. She has been a trusted public servant as a Windsor School Board Member and currently as Deputy District Attorney as well as Council Member. Estherā€™s work and commitment to our community has always been exemplary. 

The outrageous statement that Dominic Foppoli issued on April 10th is clearly meant to distract, redirect, and obfuscate. We continue to call for Foppoliā€™s immediate resignation and will be throwing our full support behind a recall effort.